This is about English for tourims (ESL Learners)

History of Tourism

Tourism can be recognized as long as people have travelled; the narrative of Marco Polo in the 13th century; the "grand tour" of the British aristocracy to Europe in the 18th century; and the journeys of David Livingstone through Africa in the 19th century are all examples of early tourism. Thomas Cook is popularly regarded as the founder of inclusive tours with his use of a chartered train in 1841 to transport tourists from Loughborough to Leicester.
Before the 1950s, tourism in Europe was mainly a domestic activity with some international travel between countries, mainly within continental Europe. In the period of recovery following World War II, a combination of circumstances provided an impetus to international travel. Among the important contributing factors were the growing number of people in employment, the increase in real disposable incomes and available leisure time, and changing social attitudes towards leisure and work. These factors combined to stimulate the latent demand for foreign travel and holidays. The emergence of specialist tour operators who organized inclusive holidays bypurchasing transport, accommodation, and related services and selling these at a single price, brought foreign holidays within the price-range of a new and growing group of consumers. The "package" or "inclusive" tour democratized travel in Europe; foreign holidays were no longer the preserve of the affluent and socially 

Brochure of English for Tourism Assignment

3 days ago I and my friends went to Prima Resort Sangkanhurip Kuningan - West Java. We were having fun there, but a little tiring after doing hicking and some games.

It makes my experiences getting more and more. Especially in playing some ice  breaking. It's caused of I can apply the games if I teach at school.

For the follow up of the agenda is doing assingnment that is making brochure with Tri-Fold and Z-Fold. Ow, really, it made me think hard. Why? because I can not operate photoshop or corel draw to make a brochure. But I though, I could make it using other applications, such as Ms. word. Hmmm.... Let me try to make it using Ms. Word  as simple as possible.

TAARAAAA.... Finally I have done !!! And here the result is....
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